EACD 2018
2018 წლის 28-31 მაისს საქართველომ პირველად უმასპინძლა ბავშვთა შეზღუდული შესაძლებლობების ევროპის აკადემიის საიუბილეო 30-ე კონფერენციას. კონფერენციის პრეზიდენტი იყო პროფესორი ნანა ტატიშვილი.
კონფერენციაში მონაწილეობა მიიღო 5 კონტინენტის, 45 ქვეყნის 500 წარმომადგენელმა. კონფერენციის სლოგანი არის “ერთად უფრო ძლიერები ვართ”
კონფერენციის მთავარი მიზანი იყო ჩვენი რეგიონის სპეციალისტთა და საერთაშორისო თანამეგობრობის სპეციალისტებს შორის ცოდნისა და გამოცდილების გაზიარება, ევროპული ღირებულებების დამკვიდრება, შეზღუდული შესაძლებლობების მქონე ბავშვთა ცხოვრების ხარისხის გაუმჯობესებაზე ზრუნვა.
კონფერენციაში მონაწილეობდნენ ევროპის და ჩრდილო ამერიკის ცნობილი ექსპერტები.
მათი ლექციები, ასევე კონფერენციის გახსნისა და დახურვის ცერემონია შეგიძლიათ იხილოთ ქვემოთ მოყვანილ ბმულებსა და ფოტო-ვიდეო ალბომში.
Main keynote lectures have been recorded during the conference:
Opening ceremony
Early childhood Intervention in Georgia (film)
Peter Rosenbaum: How our thinking is changing in 21st century
Federico Vigevano: Cognition and behaviour in epilepsy
Diane Damiano: Evidence-based physiotherapy for children with cerebral palsy
Rudolf Korinthenberg: A new era in the management of neuromuscular disorders in children and adolescents
Roslyn Boyd: Enhancing participation for children with cerebral palsy: a paradigm shift
Tamar Seperteladze: Parents point of view
Hans Forssberg: Microbiota and brain development: Implications for autism spectrum disorder
Giovanni Cioni: Neuroplasticity – the present and the future
Closing ceremony
Dear Colleagues,
The 30th EACD2018 conference in Tbilisi has finished. We think it was quite successful. Numbers are very impressive-5 continents, 45 countries and more than 500 participants.
The slogan of the conference was ‘Together We are Stronger’ and the meeting served as a platform for exchanging international knowledge and experience of all aspects of childhood disability and helped to spread these throughout the South Caucasian region and beyond. Participants from all neighbouring countries discussed ideas for developing standardized approaches to disability.
The committee suggested an open list of topics for free communications including epidemiology, screening and evaluation tools, study designs, outcome measures, integration of research and clinical practice, and best practice protocols – favoring the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health model. Topics also comprise social inclusion and participation, quality of life, family-centered care, nutrition, socio-economic and socio-cultural factors, coping with disabilities in resource poor countries, neurogenetics, epigenetics, multiple disabilities, ethical issues, innovations in technology, robotics, orthotics, surgery, interdisciplinarity, alternative versus conventional traditional treatment approaches, education, and service organization. As well as pain management, palliative care, mental health, sleep, epilepsy, motor control, hand function, mobility, gait, spasticity, dystonia, ataxia, bone health, feeding, intellectual disability, communication, vision, and hearing. The programme addressed a wide range of neurodevelopmental conditions.
The format of keynote lectures was new and interesting, including keynote speakers and discussants for highlighting debatable topics. The discussants include not only professional specialists, but also parents and decision makers. Topics were devoted to evidence-based approaches, new treatments, neuroplacticity, and changing the mode of thinking about childhood disability.
The International Alliance of Academies of Childhood Disability prepared an interactive two days teaching programme with regional stakeholders, parents and team members.
We hope such a diverse spectrum of presentations made the conference very exciting and interactive. Also it gave possibility for informal communication and networking between participants from different parts of Europe and people with different professions.